This is your time to lead; to take control of your life. This is the time to rise up and be counted. Welcome to my world of great leadership.

Sunday, 23 June 2013


I've often been reminded that when life serves you lemons, then you ought to make lemonade. This has served as a tool of finding the brighter side in what appeared a raw deal, or when life really seemed unfair. More often than not, it seemed easy enough to say it, when in actual fact it was harder to implement; especially when it felt like everything was spiraling out of control.

We often carry with us baggage we collect along the way; baggage from our failed relationships, baggage from our hostile working conditions and some we find ourselves carrying unnecessarily. The burden of the baggage we carry daily presents itself in multiple ways, that in turn manifests in unimaginable ways.

I have carried baggage over the last few months, the kind of baggage that was starting to poison my soul. Baggage that blinded me of opportunities I could pursue. I carried baggage that weighed me down and made me doubt my potential. Not only was my potential undermined, but my worth too. I allowed the baggage I carried to dictate how people treated me. I allowed this baggage to define how I saw myself and value my potential. I allowed myself to be the victim, constantly seeking approval from those I deemed superior.

In moments of doubt, I would look to others for acknowledgement and depend on their interpretations of my situation because I thought they knew best; when in fact they didn't. I tried, many a time to express how I felt in hope that they would understand what I was going through, hoping to also prove to myself that I wasn't insane to feel what I felt. I allowed this baggage to manifest itself in my life for months, to destroy me inside and then allow myself to put on a mask, portraying a picture perfect life.

It was on Friday evening when God sent down my guardian angel to remind me that I was worth more than I imagined, to tell me my feelings were not unjustified. He sent down this angel clothed in normal clothes, with a beautiful smile and an understanding heart. She told me I was not mad to feel the way I did, she held my hand and told me to be the best person God intended  me to be. She smiled and told me   I was perfect in God's eyes.

I listened carefully and took note of the words this angel spoke. She had no wings or a halo like angels, but she carried a message that gave me hope. She delivered a message that allowed me to take another look in the mirror to see and understand my worth. It was at this point that I saw my potential unfold and my worth materialise; not because I'm arrogate, but because I started to believe in myself again.

There are many young people carrying baggage in there lives. We seek approval from our supervisors at work to validate our worth. We allow their perceptions of us dictate how we value ourselves. Some young people allow bitter relationships determine how their lives turn out, we fail to cut ties with people that poison our lives.

I have seen a lot of pain, frustration in the lives of young people and my own life. But I have learnt that God provides us with guardian angels that will remind us of our worth. We are all blessed with the opportunity of meeting someone that will hold our hands and reassure us it be okay. Take note, listen and reinvent yourself.

As a new week starts, I have made a conscious decision. I choose to let go of the baggage that poisoned my life. I choose to have self confidence, to value my worth and to pursue opportunities. Allowing other people's perceptions dictate my career or personal life ends now. I am a brand and I acknowledge myself as one. I encourage you to do the same, because you are worth more than you thought.

Smile this week. Laugh because you can. Live like a valuable brand God made you to be. Go one, reinvent yourself and make lemonade.

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