This is your time to lead; to take control of your life. This is the time to rise up and be counted. Welcome to my world of great leadership.

Sunday, 18 September 2011


We live in a world where people think they have earned the right to define us- to decide where we belong; who we should surround ourselves with and whom not to. Our societies have defined what kind of dreams we are allowed to pursue; what kind of jobs are acceptable.
Our communities; organizations and institutions also think they have earned the right to decide who is good enough and who is not. Who will be successful and who will not. It is no longer about quality or integrity. It is no longer about giving people a chance to prove their worth. We live in a world where we shoot down people- their dreams- their being.
We are all guilty of this- we are too quick to tell someone they are not worthy enough for our company. We are too quick to stereotype, categorize and isolate people based on our definitions.  We have suddenly become experts on fortune telling- deciding who is most likely to succeed and who won’t.
We destroy instead of building- we criticize instead of teaching. We are often reluctant to give second chances- instead we develop a list of definitions to label and categorize people. We allow our definitions to decide people’s journeys in life.  We are often to blind sighted by these definitions, and thus refuse to see people in a different light. We keep them prisoners; bounded by our limitations.
Who are we to define people? Who are we to limit people to our definitions?
Carolyne Newberger said “you never know where a person may go; so always encourage the journey.”
It is time we let go of these limitations. It is time to stop painting people with the same brush- the same colour- the same design. What gives you the right?

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