This is your time to lead; to take control of your life. This is the time to rise up and be counted. Welcome to my world of great leadership.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


It is so easy to fall into a pattern that is comfortable and very secure- doing the things we know we can do well or visiting the same places each time. Many of us find trying new things so daunting that we are terrified by just the thought. We become so comfort with what we are used to, that sometimes we get stuck in the same place, doing the same thing for a long time.

I began 2014, hungry with passion to try new things- something that would challenge my regular and safe routine. Well off course I had my doubts: in fact I still do-but I decided to take a leap of faith and try it. "What's the worst that could happen? " I keep asking myself. So I went ahead and took that step.

I decided to start cycling( commencement date 1st May 2014). I then went out and bought an affordable beginners bicycle- we all have to start somewhere right? As I rushed to the car, eager to get home to assemble my new acquisition, I felt a new sense of life rise within me- a new level of energy propelling me to go out and try something new. I spent my Sunday putting the bicycle together, calling people who I thought would be interested to join me- eager to test drive the bike.

So often in life we forget how something a little different from our norm can awaken a renewed spirit within our lives. How this can release the kind of energy that we so desperately need to change our situations at work and home. It is often so interesting to see people transform their lives by simply trying something a little different-be it cycling, running or joining the gym and how this improves their lives.

I constantly challenge myself to do one thing that unleashes the "Tk craziness" in hope of maintaining my levels of self motivations high. And it's truly amazing to see how something as minor as deciding to start cycling can get me so excited- so driven to make it a success.

That being said, I cannot help but wonder: If we all found something this small to get excited about, wouldn't  it ultimately get us excited about making our careers and personal lives that more successful?

My question to you is, what gets you EXCITED about your life?

Monday, 21 April 2014


For as long as I can remember, I've been told that the friends you keep and associate with influence who you become. So it became increasingly important to look beyond what common characteristics you shared with the people you met, but to also appreciate their attitude to become successful, their drive to achieve their dreams and how much they were willing to  sacrifice  to become better people.

At first, I thought this criteria of selecting friends was very shallow and pathetic. Friendship was supposed to be about the good times and the laughter; the short trips and Instagram pictures. It was  only recently when I took a hard look at who I was becoming and some of the friends I associated with, that I realized there maybe some truth to this.

 I had breakfast with a dear friend I hadn't seen in a while,when I realized that the power of association was a reality.  The passion and determination she had to achieving her dreams; the drive she illustrated in going after what she wants inspired me. I asked her about the people she associated with and it confirmed what I am writing about. As a result I find myself asking a lot questions.

" Are my friends a positive influence in my life ? Am I a positive influence in the lives of the people  I associate with?  " Do I play a role in helping people achieving their goals?" " Am I a change agent?
These are some of the questions I am facing since the breakfast session with my friend.

I have taken the truth for granted, denying that the people I associate with either influence me positively or negatively. I don't deny that I am ultimately responsible for the choices I make.  I  am responsible for who I become and not my friends. However the people we hang with; their mentality; their attitude rubs off on us. It is their drive or lack there off  that triggers our drive. It is their attitude- positive or negative that determines how sustainable our attitudes are.

The truth is, who we associate with influences how our lives roll out ;although it's to a certain extent. We have a duty to associated with friends that help us become better people. Friends who will encourage us to go after our dreams. Friends that constantly tell us it's possible and you can do it.

My question is...

Are you that friend?